Upcoming Holidays and Festivals in Denmark
- Before planning a trip around a festival, verify the festival dates on the festival's website or with a local tourist information office. For more information about these and other events, visit the official tourism site for Denmark.
- This list includes major festivals in major cities, plus national holidays observed throughout Denmark. Many sights and banks close down on national holidays — keep it in mind when planning your itinerary. Note that this isn't a complete list; holidays can strike without warning.
- See upcoming holidays and festivals across Europe
January 1: New Year's Day (closures)
Through January 5: Christmas Fair in Tivoli Garden, Copenhagen
January 30–February 23: Vinterjazz, across Denmark (winter jazz festival)
March 2 Carnival (Fastelavn)
April 17–21: Easter weekend (Maundy Thursday through Easter Monday)
May 1: May Day (parades, some closures)
May 29: Ascension Day (closures)
June 4–8: Distortion, Copenhagen (nightlife festival)
June 5: Constitution Day (some closures)
June 5–7: NorthSide Festival, Aarhus (indie rock)
June 8 & 9: Pentecost and Whit Monday (closures)
June 19–22: International Kite Fliers Meeting, Fanø Island (one of world's largest kite-flying gatherings)
June 23: Sankthansaften (also called St. John's Eve; midsummer festival)
June 28–July 5: Roskilde Festival (music and culture)
July 4–13 (likely): Copenhagen Jazz Festival
July 11–20: International Jazz Festival, Aarhus
July 30–August 2 (likely): Ærø Jazz Festival
August 3–14: Copenhagen Summer Festival (classical music)
August 9–17: Copenhagen Pride Week
August 14–24 (likely): Hans Christian Andersen Festival, Odense
August 27–30: Tønder Festival (eclectic music; southern Jutland)
August 29–September 7: Aarhus Festival (music, dance, theater)
September 5–7: Food Festival Aarhus
November 1: J-Day, Copenhagen (parties celebrating the delivery of Christmas beer to bars across Denmark, biggest in central Copenhagen)
November 14–January 4, 2026: Christmas Fair in Tivoli Garden, Copenhagen
December 24–25: Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (closures)
December 26: Boxing Day (closures)