Program 697a: Sacred Paris; Raising a Family in France; A Place in the World

Release Date: 08-24-2024


Author Susan Cahill recommends some of the most magnificent religious architecture to explore in Paris, then an American who married a Frenchman describes her experiences raising three young children in a small town outside Paris. And writer Frances Mayes, who lives in both Tuscany and North Carolina, discusses just what makes a place feel like home.


  • Susan Cahill, author of "Sacred Paris" (St. Martin's Griffin)
  • Franco-American Mary Campbell Bouron
  • Frances Mayes, author of "A Place in the World" (Crown)

Additional Info

  • The latest book about Paris by Susan Cahill explores the city's significant religious architecture. It's called "Sacred Paris."
  • L'Officiel Spectacles provides listings of cultural events in Paris and vicinity.
  • Mary Campbell Bouron joined Rick in 2012 to talk about being a mother in Paris for the first time, and offered cultural tips on program #308 on "How to Walk Like a Parisian."
  • Mary wrote several blog entries in 2012 about living in Paris on her site "How To Marry A Frenchman."
  • Frances Mayes is the author of a number of best-selling books on living in Italy and appreciating its convivial culture, including her classic "Under the Tuscan Sun." In "A Place in the World" Frances explores how she makes herself feel at home in both Italy and the United States.
  • Frances spoke previously with Rick about eating in Italy on Travel with Rick Steves program #596 in March 2020 She and Rick explored the significance of the piazza, or neighborhood plazas, in Italian cities and towns on program #558 in March 2019, and on program #622 in December 2020.