Program 785: Irish Legacy of W. B. Yeats; 1960s Ireland; Touring Northern Ireland

Release Date: 03-15-2025


Two countrymen explore Ireland's reverence for their national poet, W. B. Yeats. Then a Dublin journalist shares what it was like to grow up amid the turbulent societal changes in his city during the 1960s and '70s. And a guide from Belfast tells us why an Emerald Isle itinerary should include a visit to Northern Ireland.


  • Irish tour guides Barry Moloney and Stephen McPhilemy
  • Irish Times columnist Fintan O'Toole, author of "We Don't Know Ourselves: A Personal History of Modern Ireland" (Liveright)
  • Lynn Corken, tour guide from Belfast, Northern Ireland

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Program Extras

More with Fintan O'Toole - Irish Times columnist Fintan O'Toole tells us what it was like for him as a Dublin teenager in the early 1970s, when men's hairstyles started to get funky. (runs 2:37)