Interview with James

James simply cannot get enough of Spain. Originally from Minnesota, James studied history and languages at Arizona State University. After graduating, he spent several years leading cycling tours through Spain and France. But his self-described obsession with history and culture eventually led him to Rick Steves, for whom he's been happily teaching our tour groups about Spain's diverse history since 2016. Let's get to know him!

James, what got you started on a life of travel?

My family moved around quite a bit while I was young. That meant I had the opportunity to experience different places to live, and to enjoy that variety. My attraction to new places and experiences continued during and after my university years. By the age of 18, I had lived in six different states, and within a few years I'd added on another five countries. Unexpectedly, Spain gripped me like no other place before. I felt very at home, and coincidentally, ended up meeting my wife there. She is from the Basque Country region, which has tied me even closer to Spain.

What path led you to Rick Steves, and what's different about guiding our tours?

I joined Rick Steves' Europe after already having worked for a number of years as a guide in Europe. The tours I led back then were in the adventure-travel realm, where I would guide cycling and wine tours through Spain and France. The transition to Rick's Spain tours has actually been fantastic! I am obsessed with history and culture, so the chance to have more of a teaching focus — leading tour members with similar interests and such a desire to learn — has been amazing.

What part of Spanish history do you like the most, and why?

Not many countries can boast of having as many historical connections to so much of the world as Spain. The list is incredible! However, my favorite part of Spanish history is one that is generally unappreciated: the Spanish Civil War from 1936 to 1939. It was an extremely influential event in modern history that had far-reaching geopolitical significance. It was an important piece of what would become the Second World War, and it even had some substantial American participation (mostly known through Hemingway). Today, the legacy of how it all unfolded is still significant in every corner of Spain.

Does Spain offer any cultural surprises that some tour members need time to adjust to?

I'd say that one of the few things that may intimidate visitors to Spain is the directness in communication. Spaniards are, in general, very friendly, helpful, and flexible. However, they are also very direct. This can at times be misconstrued as rudeness, when, in reality, it's just honest and direct without any shrouded or fake "niceness." By setting expectations for this directness at the start, our tour members know what's coming, and even have the chance to be a bit playful and get in on the fun.

When you're not guiding for Rick Steves, what fills your time?

When not guiding, I work as a cycling coach in London. I also practice sports myself, competing in judo and Olympic wrestling. And I'm always catching up on reading to prepare for the upcoming guiding season. Most importantly, I spend time at home with my family.

If you could tell people one thing that makes Spain worth visiting, what would it be?

I would rave about the energy; this is what most drew me to Spain. The liveliness and social life in the streets, parks, and cafés is intoxicating. It really draws you in to be a part of it. I cannot tell you how often I hear tour members say, "It's so much more than I could have imagined. I can't wait to come back and explore more!" I love to hear this!

Here's what James won't tell you…but his tour members will:

"James has the gift of bringing people together and inspiring fraternal bonding. This is, by far, THE tour in which we consistently interacted with every tour participant. By the end of the tour we easily knew one another's names! He also made us feel at ease, relaxed, and yet very involved in the day-to-day events."

— Helena in Lake Forest, CA — Best of Spain in 14 Days tour