March Tour News
Hi from Rick: It’s Spring in Spain — Olé!
If Spain had a national season, I think it would be spring. And if spring had a birthplace, it would be Sevilla. Every year, just after its elaborate Holy Week celebrations, this town of gazpacho, flamenco, and fragrant orange trees dolls up its fairgrounds with over a thousand pinstriped party tents — called casetas — for a week of round-the-clock revelry: the Feria de Abril (April Fair).
Strolling through this secular festival feels like crashing a thousand wedding receptions all at once. Inside each caseta, families, clubs, and associations host private parties. Sherry spritzes flow freely as revelers spill out onto the fairgrounds, where a springtime flirtatiousness fills the air. Women twirl in polka-dot flamenco dresses, their fans all aflutter, as men in tight spangled jackets tip their wide-brimmed hats. Even the horses prance… Read more