Hi from Rick: Happy Little Travel Accidents

Dear Traveler,

There's nothing like a nice bucket of tasty little snails when you're hungry and far from home. That was my thought as, armed with my handy toothpick and a local beer, I dragged a steady parade of Portuguese mini escargots from their shells.

Spending two weeks in Portugal last month researching my guidebook, it was the little experiences that brought me the most joy and the happiest memories…especially moments that connected me with people and with food. For example, I learned the local slang for coffee with a shot of brandy (a favorite among workers who like to add a little punch to their lunch). Then, when I casually asked my waiter, "Café com cheirinho?", the guy he thought was just another clueless tourist became a special guest…and that shot of brandy in my bica (espresso) was on the house.

I happened to be in Lisbon on June 13, the hometown saint's day. To honor Saint Anthony, the city was festooned with fun, barbecues, and sizzling sardines — as picnic tables crowded with partiers filled the neighborhood squares. The guy at my table took a deep whiff, with a smile that inspired me to take a deep FOMO whiff as well. He exhaled, saying, "The smell of Lisbon: sardines on the grill."

Sharing a beer with him and a friend, I said gracias when my sardines arrived. My silly faux pas prompted a few cultural tips: The Portuguese don't like to hear tourists say gracias…that's Spanish. The proper word is obrigado. As if for good measure, he pointed to his plate and said, "And don't call our rice dishes 'paella.' This is arroz de marisco…and much tastier than paella."

Happy little travel accidents — like my Portuguese gracias, or stumbling upon a backstreet café, or ordering a mysterious dish you'd never have at home only to discover you love itaren't accidents at all. They're priceless experiences: ones that come from stepping out of your comfort zone, connecting with locals, and trying something new. And it's those moments that often become the most vivid memories.

Our tours are designed to create vivid experiences like these by striking a balance between organized plans and independent discovery. You'll get guided tours of museums, sights, and cities, as well as plenty of time to connect with the culture around you. Your Rick Steves guide will show you what's out there, then encourage you to embark on your own adventure — knowledge and a nudge, as I like to say. Because it's by learning, and then doing, that we stumble upon those little experiences…and turn them into big memories.

In this month's Tour News, we'll give you a peek at Portugal with a day-by-day slideshow of our Heart of Portugal in 12 Days tour. We'll also introduce you to Portugal guiding dynamos Cláudia and Cristina; take you on a tasty food tour through Lisbon; and share a few Heart of Portugal tour raves from recent tour members.

It's the big sights and the little delights that we weave together on a Rick Steves tour to make sure you go home with both a broader perspective and life-long memories of a culture you'll forever better appreciate. Join us…we'd love to be the shot of brandy in your travel dreams.

Obrigado and keep on travelin'!


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